Jetpack Compose in Many Shapes and Forms

Table Of Contents: What is Shape? How to apply Shape? Create a custom shape Final Thoughts Featured in Android Weekly Issue #504. Featured in Jetpack Compose Resources Issue #103. Oftentimes, we get asked to create different custom views and shapes in Android Development. In the old view-based system, we …

When and How to Use RxJava Disposable

Featured in Android Weekly Issue #472. Table Of Contents: Disposable CompositeDisposable SerialDisposable Conclusion Disposable RxJava 2 introduced the concept of Disposables . Disposables are streams/links/connections between Observer and Observable. They’re meant to give power to the Observers to …

How to Display Notifications in 2020

These days, most startup apps heavily rely on third-party libraries to send push notifications to a user, thus causing developers to usually not pay too much attention to Android notification changes. For example, I was working on my side-project which sends a notification once the download is completed (was checking …

Good and Sad Examples of Extension Functions

This article is based off my talk at Droidcon SF this year. Kotlin is well-known for null-safety and extension functions features among android developers. Extension functions provide the ability to make new functionality of an extending class without making changes to it. In addition, the new functionality can be …