Day 1: Why I'm Starting to Write Online

I recently signed up for Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole’s cohort-based course, Ship 30 for 30. Here are a few reasons why: To unclutter and consolidate my thoughts into cohesive, digestible material. To build a consistent habit of daily writing. To embrace the mindset of publishing something rather than pursuing …

2022 Year in Review

Table Of Contents: Personal Highlights Professional Highlights Challenges The Year in Numbers Content Personal Growth Finances Time wasters In the World Best of the Year Looking Ahead Every year I like to take some time to reflect on the past 12 months. I think about all of my favorite moments and experiences …

2021 Year in Review

Table Of Contents: Highlights of 2021 Professional Timeline Goals Stats: Everything Else: Annual retrospectives are a great way to look back and analyze all the milestones you’ve overcome, what went wrong, and what areas could use some improvement. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been doing end-of-year recaps …

Recap of 2019: The Art of Speaking

There is a saying in Russian “как лодку назовешь, так она и поплывет”[a boat sails in accordance with its name]. So January 1st I declared the 2019 to be more bold, tenacious and eager. And oh, has it been! 2019 was a roller-coaster of challenges and rewards. A few things have shaped this year: Personally, I hardly …