One Big Mistake I Made When I Was First Getting Started as a Software Engineer

Like most beginners, I made a lot of mistakes when I first started working as a software engineer.

But this was the biggest one, by far:

Frequently downplaying my individual contributions

Here’s what happened:

Whenever colleagues praised my work, my natural response was to shy away from the compliments and attribute the success to the team’s collective effort, even though I was the primary driver and deliverer of those projects. This modesty, while fostering a supportive team environment, inadvertently masked my specific contributions from the wider organization.

As a result, my visibility and the recognition of my skills and efforts within the company were diminished. This lack of individual acknowledgment impacted my career progression, as I often went unnoticed during critical evaluations and promotion discussions.

But, it’s also worth acknowledging that making this mistake taught me a lot.

It’s essential to balance team spirit with personal visibility, ensuring that while the team’s efforts are celebrated, individual contributions are also clearly articulated and recognized for career advancement.

Even now, I sometimes catch myself deflecting praise, but I’ve become more cautious about it. I’m learning to accept recognition graciously and ensure my contributions are well-documented and visible, recognizing that it’s essential for professional growth and career.

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