Something Weird Most People Don’t Know About Software Engineers

There are a lot of things most people don’t know about working as a software engineer.

For example, did you know…

  • Many software engineers have little to no formal background in computer science.

  • Software engineers spend more time reading code than writing it.

  • With the remaining writing time, they mostly write documentation, not code.

For anyone in the industry, this stuff is common knowledge.

But to those who haven’t lived “a day in the life of a software engineer,” some of these facts might come as a shock.

For example, here’s the weirdest thing most people don’t know about software engineers:

Rubber duck debugging is a common practice.

Many keep a rubber duck on their desk to explain their code line-by-line to the inanimate object. This method helps solve problems faster by forcing the programmer to verbalize their thought processes, often leading to new insights or the discovery of hidden bugs.

Crazy, right?

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