Realization 1: Prioritize Tasks Effectively
As an adult, the list of things to do never ends.
Something always pops up, needs your urgent attention, or is waiting to be scheduled. To manage these tasks effectively, you need to prioritize them. Often, prioritization is based on importance, urgency (deadlines), or a combination of both.
By prioritizing tasks based on importance and urgency, you can manage your responsibilities better.
Realization 2: Use A Single Tracking System
As an adult, you receive action items from various sources—emails, calendars, Jira, documents, spreadsheets, phone calls, and more.
With so many different tools, it’s easy for things to slip through the cracks and be forgotten. The best way to handle this is by creating and automating a system that funnels all tasks and action items into a single tracking system. A centralized system allows you to see all ongoing, upcoming, and overdue tasks in one place, across all areas of your life.
Having a single tracking system gives you a zoomed-out view of your life, helps track tasks, and plan future ones without compromising your mental health.
Realization 3: Properly Estimate Time For Personal Projects
As an adult, you likely have side projects.
Whether it’s renovating a bedroom, hosting an event, creating an open-source library, or starting a side business, these projects often run parallel to your main work. It’s easy to get caught up without seeing results for months, especially if tasks are large or challenging. This can lead to decreased motivation and delays. Breaking down tasks and estimating time for them ahead of starting will help you avoid this issue.
Paying attention to properly estimate time for personal projects and breaking them into milestones will help you continue enjoying the work involved.